I will just take whatever life throws at me. Because i believe in Fate, i also believe that it has already been written & that whatever happens, happens for a reason. I will accept what is in store for me, try to make the best out of it & always go to bed every night with a sense of achievement; knowing i have done my best for that day.
After having heard what the astrologer said(yes, mum dad & i went to see one for myself, sis & bro), i am glad i have my career path planned out on the greeneries. But life is never perfect, thus the corruptions in my love life. Now, i feel like there is no point in finding for that special someone.
It's like, you know things will turn out this way, so you just give up trying.
But i don't want to hurt someone who loves me. Or atleast, think that he does. We'll see how things go.