Farhan cheated my feeling once again. He said he was gonna bring his best friend Fazli.. & that's why i agreed.. I KNEW HE'D PLAY ME ONCE AGAIN. Farhan's my main chef, by the way. I mean, not mine but F.I.S.H's. Picked me up from my house in a Lancer FX which was modified to the max YAHOOOOO!! & then the stupid idiot didn't tell me he was gonna pick Suresh up & send him to the Hq.. So i was stuck in the car with 4 other guys. & then we picked Nadz up from yishun, which means we had to squeeze 4 people at the back. Till now, or till god knows when, i'll never forgive Farhan for doing this to me.
Went to eat, played pool, went Forum(rich chef buys his armani wallet) then ate at Gelare cafe.. The one at downtown east. Chef's treat :) He's rich. Besides, he pulled me into this double date thing so yeah. & I'm not working tomorrow yahoooooooooooo.
NASI LEMAK WITH NADZ AT QIJI ;) It's been calling me for quite sometime already..
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