I had a very very very very very very good surprise from Sara.
Yesterday morning he told me he wouldn't make it to my house cause he was confined in camp. At first i thought he was just joking. & then i told him i'm gonna cry & usually when i do that, he'd say "Okay okay, don't cry. I never wanna see you upset." But he still prolonged it, said he was really sorry & all. I was so so upset, i didn't have the mood for anything else. I didn't wanna dress up anymore, i didn't wanna welcome guests anymore cause i was so disappointed.
In the end, i pulled myself up & said it's fine. There are always other circumstances for him to meet the family.
GUESS WHO ENTERED THE HOUSE IN TRADITIONAL, LOOKING LIKE A GROOM, AT 9PM. As shock as i was, i felt my hands trembling & i swear it was the best surprise ever. He's getting pretty good at his surprises & looks like it's time i learn from him! hehehe
So they left about 12 plus after the man u match. I had such an awesome time. I am so thankful to god for such awesome friends, family & what not.
Ouh & thanks to winter who was so patient & not rowdy with the guests.
P/s Rest of the pictures in fb!
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