Mrs ONG IS LOVE!! How candid.. Thanks Jeslyn for the cute card! Which says, "The best time to study is between yesterday & tomorrow" Leon lee.. aiya this boy ah.. i don't know what to say man! Tsk Tsk! Gonna miss times like this :( Miss shelia & Miss kamath! I must be one of the very few lucky ones to have both my sec 4 & sec 2 teacher to take a picture with me at the same time. Gonna miss these crazy babes!!! Mr ling! hahah.. "Mr ling can we take a picture with you please please please" Gonna miss the "Animalic gatherings" My flirt LOL Thanks for being so short ah jessie, we have to bend so much!! HAHA.. Jessie tan! Flirt no.2 Serdiyah! will miss arguing with weifeng.. AMY HO HO HO ! Ping ping pong! Nicholas & aloysius (: MISS LIM! Mr wong.. so cute!! hahaha.. zhiying! Will be doing up a post for secondary school.But that'll be after O's. 3 more days. I am feeling so stressed
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