!! Quickly come back :(I look so fugly in the pictures but i still upload em cause best friend looks awesome with her new hairstyle!! ;) ! I MISS YOU BIG TIME BREASTFRIEND
Winter's new toy!! His name is bruce.. =)) Went to watch Newmoon with shahdan & that movie is one big disappointment man :( Only the parts where the wolves appear, are nice. No, not because it's taylor lautner. But only because those are the parts with sudden movements & awesome actions. The rest of the parts are all so lovey dovey & draggy. Anyway,woke up this morning with a very bad bad headache. Blocked nose, hot eyes, burning fever. :( Been long since i was sick, so i still haven't gotten used to this feeling yet..
FASTER GET BACK FROM MALAYSIA OKAY. WE HAVE MANY THINGS TO DO HERE IN SINGAPORE. hahahaha!!! (This post was made because i have to make up for wishing her on facebook & not via phone. hmph...) heheheh OOOPs. Have fun & i'm gonna miss you like crazy!! MAKE SURE YOU GET BACK & WORK AT THE SAME PLACE AS ME... hahahahah!!
Since gladys is going to malaysia tonight, we decided to hang out for a while. Went to cimei to eat at 18chefs(the pasta is really good man!!) & then we walked around... THE JAPANESE SPITZ & BORDER COLLIE ARE SO DAMN CUTE OMG!!! CUTEST THING ALIVE!!! Anyway i bought 2 things today!! 1) ARCHIE'S COMICS(MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!) 2)A fucking sexy pair of purple heels. I am so in love with it.. LIKE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
i think it's so damn hot..
ANYWAY, i told gladys i wanna look around to see if there was any place looking for people to work in. I walked into FISH & CO. How come no one every told me that interview was on the spot?!?!? I thought i just had to fill forms but after i did, the manager there actually made me sit for an interview like WHAT THE HELL!! IT WAS SO FREAKY. This is my very first time having a job interview & i hope the manager understood that. GOSH I WAS SO FREAKED OUT. Took my an hour to get over. Well actually i haven't fully recovered from the shock yet.. muahahah. Anyway if i DO get appointed i'll be working at "Fish" at the somerset outlet. I'm really neervous, i wouldn't lie!!
SEAFOOD!! It was drizzling & i was hoping for it to start raining heavily,but stupid gladys png hates the rain so we were rushing here & there. BUT IT WAS SUPER FUN!! I don't know why but we kept laughing. Yes i know we laugh all the time, but this time we were laughing once every 2 minutes!! & seafood was good.After gladys gets back from malaysia, we're going to order "LARGE" of every dish. HAHAHA..
I got my sight set on you & i'm ready to aim. I have a heart that will never be tamed. I knew you were something special, when you spoke my name. Now i can't wait, to see you again. I've got a way of knowing, when something is right. I feel like i must have known you in another life.
I got this crazy feeling, deep inside. When you called & asked to see me tomorrow night. I'm not a mind reader, but i'm reading the signs. That you can't wait to see me again.
P/s I'm not talking about Zaidi(the guy in the picture above).. hahaha!
Gradnight was awesome. LIKE A-W-E-S-O-M-E. I have like 160+ pictures in facebook. You guys have got to catch them alright! Really love the video the teachers made. =)) & I WILL NEVER FORGET MY PRESENT BLOG SONG!!!
Last night was just checking out my camera after VERY VERY LONG & i figured it has got really cool features!! I didn't know i could edit & all in my cam itself.. been having it for MORE THAN A YEAR & i just realize it has got so many features.. what the hell!! Anyway, was doodling doodling then sis was like "Dutch lets take A picture" & so here you go!! & then while we were snapping pictures, GUESS WHO JOINED?? HAHA.. as you can see, yuup, it's winter!! PROM LATER! Can't wait for next week! Lunch date with mummy on wednesday & Dinner with Shahdan on Friday! (I'm gonna get so fat i tell you!!)
Gladys i will never forget this moment.. hahaha idiot! YAY i love this picture muahahah JESSIE! EXTRA LAAAH AIYO!! haha rawkers! i love this picture. meheheh danced so much till my hair looked like it was electrocuted Picture while dancing!! (: LOVE THIS PICTURE TOO!! Yeah, TP dustbin.. hahahah SLICK!! Aiya.. they didn't perform my favourite song :( AWWWW!! ;) jessie's favourite picture. Everyone around is dancing & we're the only ones taking pictures... JOE!!!! MUAHAHAHAH.... tsk tsk.. ;) I LOVE THIS PICTURE THOUGH IM NOT IN IT. & i realise every jump shot i take, my tummy will be exposed. Maybe it's just too big.. HAHA.. i mean the shirt okay!! NO i do not look like shahirah!!(the girl at the right) Though she's really pretty! SEAN!! Such a shy guy but awesome one! hanisah!! GUY3 LOOK HERE!! Fat ass, while you were at home on the sofa like a pig, your friend here was trying to have some fun!!
I REALLY REALLY ENJOYED THE CAMP!! Though i only went for the 3rd day, thankfully i did push myself out of bed. HAHA.. i guess it was worth!! Now i've lost my voice but i guess it's a good thing.. I have one regret though!! I DIDN'T TAKE PICTURE WITH ONE PERSON!! NOOOOOOO!!!! hahaah.. anyway the mass dance was super fun. I really loved it alot. I bet the girls did too ;) RIGHT GIRLS! Then i loved the group hug, i loved the school song, i loved everything! Ouh, not forgetting the ALMOND LONGAN JELLY. muahahahaha.. OMG HOW CAN I FORGET THE HIP HOP NIGHT!! SO awesome man.. dancing was an awesome exercise. I'm sure we girls had so much of fun!! Loved the songs.. the Dj was awesome(though he was pretty old HAHA)