There may be an opportunity for you to really enjoy yourself today, Cancer, but there is the possibility that this involves something you may think is not in your best interests. You will have to let your conscience be your guide, and be careful not to compromise your integrity. Making a clean break with someone or something may be a part of your day today. A decision based on thinking that there are worse things you could do is not really valid. You are letting go of a major problem: maybe this is it.
Some issues in love may perplex you in this period, Cancer, but you will only need to look within yourself for answers here. You may be feeling somewhat insecure about your current love relationship and unsure how to relieve your fears because you're not really sure what is sparking your feelings of insecurity. If you are not able to identify something in your mate that is causing your doubts, look to your past experiences for the cause. It's likely you're comparing your current relationship with a past bond that ended on a bad note. While there may be similarities, your current romance is very different and very unlikely to go down the same road as any of your past loves. This is a case of simply washing away your fears with the love of today, it is as authentic as it feels but you need to believe that yourself first.
I am speechless.Horoscopes are really freaky & i know you guys have heard me say these a zillion times.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010

I SERIOUSLY didn't expect to get my first choice. So far, i haven't heard of anyone who got their first choice. As i mentioned before, i knew i wouldn't be happy with whatever choice i get. HELL YEAH, Hospitality & Tourism Management is my dream choice, but TP isn't my dream school. But ouh well, what's done's done so imma make the best out of it :)
For those of you who are slow, i'm posted to Temasek Poly, Hospitality & Tourism Management.
Just got back from work. Did full shift today. I love doing closing. Cause we get to eat the remaining salads which are SUPER DUPER nice & the whole crew sits down together as one & i can feel the bond. Wonder why i feel so darn happy with people i know for barely 2 months.
So basically this is what i've been doing this week. & i will not lie, i'm damn bloody bloody exhausted. Have deprived myself of so much sleep. I think my body's rotting man. Work,chalet,work,chalet. & I CAN'T WAIT TO WORK THIS SAT!!!! AHH! Come visit me, my shift will be at Tampines 1 :)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
4/5 chalet!

More pictures coming up =)) These are just louya pictures taken from my pathetic phone(awww just kidding baby you know i love you!!) So it was 3 days 2 nights. First day i went at night cause i had work in the morning. Throughout the night most of us stayed awake. Ahloy & Leon brought me & jessie for a ride in the park & it was super fun! Jessie dropped Leon's styler & we were finding for a pathetic styler in the middle of pasir ris park at 4am in the morning.
When, a policecar came by & checked on us. LOL!! Morning went to eat breakfast at ws,then i went home. Caught 6 hours of nap. Then headed back to the chalet again. Stayed till 5plus & cabbed back home. We wanted to stay together & see the school posting results together,but Michael had to get back home quick so we left first. Got home, slept at around 6.30 & got bombarded with many many many smses & calls then i woke up like more than 20 times in the 5 hours i slept. Now i have work from 6-11 & i swear this is the first time i am not looking forward to work. 1) My motivation isn't there anymore :( 2) I'm really tired 3) I'm pretty nervous cause it's my first shift at somerset 313. Goodbye
P/s Dear 4/5, the bond we had last night is something i'll never forget. I'll never forget the feel. It's really awesome it's still there.
Opening of Somerset 313

IT WAS A SUPER DUPER FUN TIME!! I actually had alot in mind to say but i kinda like forgot them now.. This was like how long ago maaan! It's really really unfair how everyone knows what's going on but they still make certain decisions. & it's really really annoying that every single guy is being an ass with a penis. TOODLES!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
To my dearest

SO i went up to her & said. "Dhess.. me & the girls. We wanna tell you something. We just wanna tell you that we love you alot so......can you buy us a cake?" & then when we said we were just joking she INSISTED she treats us to a cake. So in the end we got to dine in F.I.S.H for the very first time. ;) We tried 3 cakes..OMGOSH. We even filled up the feedback form. hahaha! It was super fun. But we had a sugar rush. LIKE SERIOUSLY. Need i say we were crazy? Need i say we got crazier after the sugar rush?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Such a small world!
Omg! I just found out that one of my colleagues,Mingming, knows shahdan through NCC. What a freaking small country singapore is! & today we did opening for somerset 313. Well not an official one where customers are allowed to come in, but arranging of stuffs. IT WAS SUPER DUPER FUN!!! hahahah!! Taking pictures & all... & OMG THE MOST EMBARASSING THING EVER EVER HAPPENED TO MEEEEEE!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Why is it that EVERYWHERE i go,the situation is such that me & a person who i meet there will have some kinda gossip going on... argh!! I'm gonna have to work with him till i resign from F.I.S.H & things are just gonna get so awkward!
Anyway,went to esplanade with Shahdan cause Syed invited us.. Sp's band was doing a performance. Overall it was fun. & thanks to him,i have made a decision i know it's for the better of me.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
& just when i thought every sector of my life was going smooth. I need a break. I want to die just for one day & see the reactions of the people around me. I really need to keep my mind off things. I miss working. Been long.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thank god i have a blog
I’ve been making a list of the things they don’t teach you at school. They don’t teach you how to love somebody. They don’t teach you how to be famous. They don’t teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don’t teach you how to walk away from someone you don’t love any longer. They don’t teach you how to know what’s going on in someone else’s mind. They don’t teach you what to say to someone who’s dying. They don’t teach you anything worth knowing. — Neil Gaiman.
The best that can help me right now is you not contacting me anymore. I'm not ready. I wonder if i ever will be. I'm not ready for commitments. I'm not gonna be able to deal with your insecurity. I'm not gonna waste my time thinking about whether i've hurt you or not. I'm not planning to ruin my teenage life just like that. I'm not gonna change myself just for you. I'm not willing enough to give up my friends just for you. They say i've changed. Of course i have, i can feel it myself. I can feel my old self long gone. I want my old self back. I wanna be happy,cheerful,fun & be a bitch once again. Hah. Fuck you man. Men i mean. Anything with a penis.
The best that can help me right now is you not contacting me anymore. I'm not ready. I wonder if i ever will be. I'm not ready for commitments. I'm not gonna be able to deal with your insecurity. I'm not gonna waste my time thinking about whether i've hurt you or not. I'm not planning to ruin my teenage life just like that. I'm not gonna change myself just for you. I'm not willing enough to give up my friends just for you. They say i've changed. Of course i have, i can feel it myself. I can feel my old self long gone. I want my old self back. I wanna be happy,cheerful,fun & be a bitch once again. Hah. Fuck you man. Men i mean. Anything with a penis.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Things i've lived through
BOLD the things you’ve done
I have read a lot of books.
I have been on some sort of varsity team.
I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
I have been to Canada.
I have been to Europe.
I have watched cartoons for hours.
I have tripped UP the stairs.
I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
I have been snowboarding/skiing.
I have played ping pong.
I swam in the ocean.
I have been on a whale watch.
I have seen fireworks.
I have seen a shooting star.
I have seen a meteor shower.
I have almost drowned.
I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear.
I have listened to one CD over & over & over again.
I have had stitches.
I have had frostbite.
I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
I have stayed up til 2 doing homework/projects.
I currently have a job.
I have been ice skating.
I have been rollerblading.
I have fallen flat on my face.
I have tripped over my own two feet.
I have been in a fist fight.
I have played videogames for more than 3 hours straight.
I have watched the power rangers.
I attend Church regularly.
I have played truth or dare.
I have already had my 16th birthday.
I have already had my 17th birthday.
I’ve called someone stupid.
I’ve been in a verbal argument.
I’ve cried in school.
I’ve played basketball on a team.
I’ve played baseball on a team.
I’ve played football on a team.
I’ve played soccer on a team.
I’ve done cheerleading on a team.
I’ve played softball on a team.
I’ve played volleyball on a team.
I’ve played tennis on a team???
I’ve been on a track or cross country team.
I’ve been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
I’ve bungee jumped.
I’ve climbed a rock wall.
I’ve lost more than $20.
I’ve called myself an idiot.
I’ve called someone else an idiot.
I’ve cried myself to sleep.
I’ve had (or have) pets.
I’ve owned a spice girls CD.
I’ve owned a britney spears CD.
I’ve owned an N*Sync CD.
I’ve owned a backstreet boys CD.
I’ve mooned someone.
I have sworn at someone of authority before.
I‘ve been in the newspaper.
I’ve been on TV.
I’ve been to Hawaii.
I’ve eaten sushi.
I’ve been on the other side of a waterfall.
I’ve watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
I’ve watched all the Harry Potter movies.
I’ve watched all of the Rocky movies.
I’ve watched the 3 stooges.
I’ve watched “Newlyweds” Nick & Jessica.
I’ve watched Looney Tunes.
I’ve been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
I’ve been called a geek.
I’ve studied hard for a test and got a bad grade.
I’ve not studied at all for a test and aced it.
I’ve hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs.
I’ve hugged my dad within the past 24 hours.
I’ve met a celebrity/music artist.
I’ve written poetry.
I’ve been arrested.
I’ve been attracted to someone much older than me.
I’ve been tickled till I’ve cried.
I’ve tickled someone else until they cried.
I’ve had/have siblings.
I’ve been to a rock concert.
I’ve listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
I’ve been in a play.
I’ve been picked last in gym class.
I’ve been picked first in gym class.
I’ve been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
I’ve cried in front of my friends.
I’ve read a book longer than 1,000 pages.
I’ve played Halo 2.
I’ve freaked out over a sports game.
I’ve been to Alaska.
I’ve been to China.
I’ve been to Spain.
I’ve been to Japan.
I’ve had a fight with someone on AIM/MSN/Whatever.
I’ve had a fight with someone face-to-face.
I’ve had serious conversations using IM.
I’ve forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
I’ve been forgiven.
I’ve screamed at a scary movie.
I’ve cried at a chick flick.
I’ve watched a lot of action movies.
I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs.
I’ve been to a rap concert.
I’ve been to a hip hop concert.
I’ve lived in more than 2 houses.
I’ve driven on the highway/been on the highway.
I’ve driven more than 400 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 400 miles in a day.
I’ve been in a car accident.
I’ve done drugs.
I’ve been homesick.
I’ve thrown up.
I’ve puked on someone.
I’ve been horseback riding.
I’ve filled out more than 10 myspace surveys.
I’ve spoken my mind in public.
I’ve proven someone wrong.
I’ve been proven wrong by someone.
I’ve broken a leg.
I’ve broken an arm.
I’ve fallen off a swing.
I’ve swung on a swing for more than 30 mins straight
I’ve watched Winnie the Pooh movies.
I’ve forgotten my backpack when I’ve gone to school.
I’ve lost my backpack.
I’ve come close to dying.
I’ve seen someone die.
I’ve known someone who has died.
I’ve wanted to be an actor/actress at some point.
I’ve done modeling.
I’ve forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings.
I’ve taken something/someone for granted.
I’ve realized how good my life is.
I’ve counted my blessings.
I’ve made fun of a classmate.
I’ve been asked out by someone and I said no.
I’ve slapped someone in the face.
I’ve been skateboarding.
I’ve been backstabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
I’ve lied to someone to their face.
I’ve told a little white lie.
I’ve taken a day off from school just so I don’t go insane.
I’ve fainted.
I’ve had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not.
I’ve pushed someone into a pool.
I’ve been pushed into a pool.
& just when i thought i should do this quiz to keep my mind off things, the last question is :
I’ve been/I am in love.
(incase you didn't realise,it's in bold)
& i watched 3 idiots yesterday!! It's a super nice movie. I wouldn't mind catching it again!
I have read a lot of books.
I have been on some sort of varsity team.
I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
I have been to Canada.
I have been to Europe.
I have watched cartoons for hours.
I have tripped UP the stairs.
I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
I have been snowboarding/skiing.
I have played ping pong.
I swam in the ocean.
I have been on a whale watch.
I have seen fireworks.
I have seen a shooting star.
I have seen a meteor shower.
I have almost drowned.
I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear.
I have listened to one CD over & over & over again.
I have had stitches.
I have had frostbite.
I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
I have stayed up til 2 doing homework/projects.
I currently have a job.
I have been ice skating.
I have been rollerblading.
I have fallen flat on my face.
I have tripped over my own two feet.
I have been in a fist fight.
I have played videogames for more than 3 hours straight.
I have watched the power rangers.
I attend Church regularly.
I have played truth or dare.
I have already had my 16th birthday.
I have already had my 17th birthday.
I’ve called someone stupid.
I’ve been in a verbal argument.
I’ve cried in school.
I’ve played basketball on a team.
I’ve played baseball on a team.
I’ve played football on a team.
I’ve played soccer on a team.
I’ve done cheerleading on a team.
I’ve played softball on a team.
I’ve played volleyball on a team.
I’ve played tennis on a team???
I’ve been on a track or cross country team.
I’ve been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
I’ve bungee jumped.
I’ve climbed a rock wall.
I’ve lost more than $20.
I’ve called myself an idiot.
I’ve called someone else an idiot.
I’ve cried myself to sleep.
I’ve had (or have) pets.
I’ve owned a spice girls CD.
I’ve owned a britney spears CD.
I’ve owned an N*Sync CD.
I’ve owned a backstreet boys CD.
I’ve mooned someone.
I have sworn at someone of authority before.
I‘ve been in the newspaper.
I’ve been on TV.
I’ve been to Hawaii.
I’ve eaten sushi.
I’ve been on the other side of a waterfall.
I’ve watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
I’ve watched all the Harry Potter movies.
I’ve watched all of the Rocky movies.
I’ve watched the 3 stooges.
I’ve watched “Newlyweds” Nick & Jessica.
I’ve watched Looney Tunes.
I’ve been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
I’ve been called a geek.
I’ve studied hard for a test and got a bad grade.
I’ve not studied at all for a test and aced it.
I’ve hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs.
I’ve hugged my dad within the past 24 hours.
I’ve met a celebrity/music artist.
I’ve written poetry.
I’ve been arrested.
I’ve been attracted to someone much older than me.
I’ve been tickled till I’ve cried.
I’ve tickled someone else until they cried.
I’ve had/have siblings.
I’ve been to a rock concert.
I’ve listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
I’ve been in a play.
I’ve been picked last in gym class.
I’ve been picked first in gym class.
I’ve been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
I’ve cried in front of my friends.
I’ve read a book longer than 1,000 pages.
I’ve played Halo 2.
I’ve freaked out over a sports game.
I’ve been to Alaska.
I’ve been to China.
I’ve been to Spain.
I’ve been to Japan.
I’ve had a fight with someone on AIM/MSN/Whatever.
I’ve had a fight with someone face-to-face.
I’ve had serious conversations using IM.
I’ve forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
I’ve been forgiven.
I’ve screamed at a scary movie.
I’ve cried at a chick flick.
I’ve watched a lot of action movies.
I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs.
I’ve been to a rap concert.
I’ve been to a hip hop concert.
I’ve lived in more than 2 houses.
I’ve driven on the highway/been on the highway.
I’ve driven more than 400 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 400 miles in a day.
I’ve been in a car accident.
I’ve done drugs.
I’ve been homesick.
I’ve thrown up.
I’ve puked on someone.
I’ve been horseback riding.
I’ve filled out more than 10 myspace surveys.
I’ve spoken my mind in public.
I’ve proven someone wrong.
I’ve been proven wrong by someone.
I’ve broken a leg.
I’ve broken an arm.
I’ve fallen off a swing.
I’ve swung on a swing for more than 30 mins straight
I’ve watched Winnie the Pooh movies.
I’ve forgotten my backpack when I’ve gone to school.
I’ve lost my backpack.
I’ve come close to dying.
I’ve seen someone die.
I’ve known someone who has died.
I’ve wanted to be an actor/actress at some point.
I’ve done modeling.
I’ve forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings.
I’ve taken something/someone for granted.
I’ve realized how good my life is.
I’ve counted my blessings.
I’ve made fun of a classmate.
I’ve been asked out by someone and I said no.
I’ve slapped someone in the face.
I’ve been skateboarding.
I’ve been backstabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
I’ve lied to someone to their face.
I’ve told a little white lie.
I’ve taken a day off from school just so I don’t go insane.
I’ve fainted.
I’ve had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not.
I’ve pushed someone into a pool.
I’ve been pushed into a pool.
& just when i thought i should do this quiz to keep my mind off things, the last question is :
I’ve been/I am in love.
(incase you didn't realise,it's in bold)
& i watched 3 idiots yesterday!! It's a super nice movie. I wouldn't mind catching it again!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Forget about studying for the O's, forget about waiting for your results, forget about finding a part time job, forget about finally getting your results. Now having the "Privilege" to decide on 12 choices is really killing. I'm just gonna take whatever is gonna be given to me,am gonna make the best of it. It's all in my hands. I don't know about you guys but I, am a person who works based on what the future is gonna reward me with.
I think it's time i made a visit to the temple to thank God for the fact my life's been pretty smooth lately. Been ignoring him for far too long already. Who's coming?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
A night out

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